
My Thursday

Okay..today i only have 3 periods of class. 1 period from 7-7.40 am and another 2 period is at 2-3.20 pm...and the rest i am free(7 hours)...i just blog hopping and chat with my friend Cash. during the free time, I manage to finish my presentation for tomorrow...walaweeei, we will have meeting from 1.30-5pm tomorrow....Buhsan tahap gila la ni...lucky we will provided with lunch... and i heard there will be minum petang after the meeting *wink*wink..(kalau makan bukan main lagi aa)
I have 3 exam classes this year...and one class is a real challenge for me is my form 5 Chemistry class...i really have problem with them...i always encourage them to study, give them questions to enhance their knowledge and what i have taught on that subject..what they always do is NOTHING. They never show me their work. They never passup their work...How i am going to dicuss things they dont understand if they never try to do questions...at the end they claimed that I dont know how to teach????!!!i find out that only 5 students (out of 21) willing to do and passup their homework. What?? maybe they expect when teacher teach they will straight away understand...and if they didnt, it's teacher's fault..
I just dont know how to help them..i ask them to stop playing and start concentrate on their studies especially this 6 months to go for SPM..but it failed..i give motivation but still failed..
I give them exercise but they didnt do it..
They still expect me to help them understand all the terms and the concept..but how to help if they never try???
MALAS and DAYDREAMING haunted them...they can sleep in my class(my class with them always at 2pm)...i give them some exercise but they sleep and claim they cant do it..why? Because they dont understand. But they never come to see me and ask me..They(not everybody) totally have no idea what they've learnt in Form 4...and that's my fault again when they never show me their work (whereas the answer can be found in their text book)....
What i can see is, those 5 students who always come and ask me questions about chemistry always show come with good result...
what i've see from the previous students is, they always blame teacher if they failed...HUHUHU..
i think i give enough tips for them to study..
I even find out what alwaysbeen ask in the exam from every topic..
I even give questions and quentions....
Am i a worst teacher???
AM I??


InobonG ProPer said...

That's a real challenge for being a teacher kan...

nway, good luck to you with ur students ;)

Little Puck said...

Relax, you just do your part. Seriously, we ARE spponfeeding them, but they just dont wanna open their damn mouth! We cant be chewing the food and swallowing them for them! Biar la ba tu clare. Gila nnti trampau fikir. Seriously, we're gonna be in this field for the next 30 years or so... that's just another day, in school. CHEERS :D

Clare Rachel said...

clay...todays kids are like that o kan..bikin benci...dorg salah aggp bha yg cegu ni provider durg smua..tukang suap nasi la kunun..sy kan...teda sdh la baik2 sm dorg...atau bg nasihat2 ni sama dorg...sy main marah jak..siap warning lagi kalo lain kali sy dgr dorg komplen dr mana2 pihak yg saya nda pndai ajar sy akan jumpa dia n TANYA itu org mana yg saya tidak ajar(kalo blh depan ibubapa)...haha kana benci kali sy tahun ni d skolah tp sy x kesah...asal dorg ikut cakap...last2 they'll realize kita marah pun for their own good...jan risau..tp sy rs tambunan py budak ok bha banding cni...kalo d cni, kelas pandai(form 5A) tu sy dgr tlampau perasan pandai..suka justify cikgu2 yg m'ajar...lawan taukeh bha sngaja mau kasi kena tu cikgu..nasib sy nda ajar pagi haha..anywy...gud luck la kio..we are on the same boat jg ni..sharing2 la kita kesah2 pedih d skolah ni...