
Stress to the max

Now i feel the stress already
i supposed to have my appointment with bridal tomorrow friday afternoon
but it was cancel because we have LDP(Latihan dalam Perkhidmatan) on Saturday at school. SO, i have to postpone till next friday.
BTW, Mavis (from bridal) called and inform us design of the album was done and ask us to do the final check.Lambat la kena hantar pi print ni because kami lambat pi check =(
Pentaksiran really drives me crazy...with the students not passup their work and i have to look for them and ask for it!!Well, i dunt care if they didnt pass up, but it's compulsary for students to pass up their work and it is teacher's effort if they didnt pass up. Well, what i can say if they students who never show up in school but already registered as calon SPM/PMR representing the school????
So, now...i am feeling down and sad and sad and sad....


Teacher Syl said...

wa mesti inda sabar kmu mau pi check design kan.. ;) sbr2 kio.. nanti ada jua masa free kmu pigi life bridal tu..

carolchs said...

july suma busy with pentaksiran....aduiiii

Kris and Nadia said...

Ya pentaksiran ni bikin stress kan.. nasib sya nda terlibat.. huahua.. but mmg tensen oo dlm bulan ni.. tiap2 ujung mgu ada ja kunun mau dtg ..huhu.. nda sangka sya keja guru gini stress ..huahua...

oyuki said...

sbr ko oto..sa paam..sgt2 paam..sa pla sm peka budak2 SPM.kin pns tu budak2..terpaksa kita yg mencari dorg. pas2 pny bek hati sa, sa kc dorg kertas kajang free lg ba..sbb slalunya alasan dorg teda kertas kn..buli2 bsuk dia sa tny suda siap ka x, dorg blg itu kertas ilang n mo mnta kertas lg balik..adedeh..mo tnggu butak kpla ja ni to..

KaDusMama said...

sabar ko..walaupun sia tau life jadi cigu nie, tapi sia bulih imagine macam2 gaya kan..
Bah..nanti sudah ada album tu, kasi tingu lah ah

Annie said...

my husband said bisuk dia mau bawa sa pigi collect album & frames suda o0o vienne.. huhu.. ko inda sempat la tingu frame sa sana life bridal tu..

Vienne said...

Nadia, chegu: ya bah..pentaksiran btul2 bikin sakit kepala
Oyuki:ya bah kan....kita juga yang mo kasi makesure durang buat semua...

kMama: bah..kalau ada suda tu album nanti sa kasi share2 juga tu

Annie: best oooo..huhu, bila la sa mo pi tgk sa punya tu....huhu

Annie said...

oh kami kaC tinggal jua itu frame sana.. takut kucing2 sa balas dendam & pi cakar2 itu gambar.. haha.. buli la ko tingu nanti ;)

Anonymous said...

wah...u must do it fast (for the final check up of ur wedding album), nnt kelam kabut susah jg... :) anyway..don't stress yourself too much...