

SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all my Muslim friends and blogger out there...
Maaf Zahir Batin.

BTW, i did not going anywhere to celebrate raya, since nobody ask me to go their house..huhhuhu..actually I have few invitation back in Tambunan home but, DH and me decided not to go...
So, in the evening, DH and me going to celebrate the Grand Opening of Jeffie Jeff Make Up Studio...i am happy for Jeff. He was our(my) make-up artist for the our pre-wedding shooting and wedding day. I just love his work. BTW, i didnt find him someone else who related to us for business purpose, but he became our friend since then.

Well, there are lotsa people and photographer when we reached at Jeff's compound. The opening was great. Meeting with other PG introduced by Ashley Koh. Benny was there too. And i met AGAIN with me beloved lecturer, Miss Rachel from UMS there. she is still the same, friendly as ever. She was Jeff's teacher too.
Jeff give us this goodies bag for the guest and im just happy to receive them.
Receive from Jeff. I just like the pattern.
Inside the Goodies bag...love them.
When DH and me decided to have sushi for our dinner, we bumped again Miss Rachel and her friend at Hana Japanese Restauran@City Mall. We sat at the same table and have looong chat.
Once again, congratulation Jeff!! all the best!


carolchs said...

So cantik owh the paper back. Made to order for Jeff's studio opening kah tu?

Anyways, is this ms Rachel by chance is Racheal Mansa?

Vienne said...

C.Carol: yupp, chegu, i think jeff order it...match the theme for the day
Btw, not that Rachael mansa...she is Rachel Yapp

Annie said...

hi vienne.. d mana studio c jeff aa? hehe..

Jean said...

nice shots! like the mug!

ps you're invited to comment on my post too =)

Vienne said...

Annie: the studio base in Karamunsing..basement.
SJ: thannx for the comment and welcome to my blog

Unknown said...

Clare : LOVE YOUR BLOG POST!! Thanks for writing about my store ~
My store is located @ LG80, Lower Ground Floor, Komplex Karamunsing.
My services include makeover sessions for weddings n functions as well as makeup classes & courses.
* Thanks Clare for letting me post this! *

Anonymous said...

Hi vienne and Chegu and Jeff..

I am confused.. I dont know a Racheal Mansa.. her name is spelt Rachel.. haha i know cos it is me.. and a Rachel Yapp is in which school? because the staff directory did not have a record of her..

Vienne said...

Anonymous:hi rachel..hehe..Rachel Yapp was my Eng Lecturer in UMS and she was outside lecturer that time. And now she's no more teaching in Ums.
She is teaching in highschool somewhere around KK where i dunno which one