I wanted to blog this long time ago but the sadness still stays with me...
Remember my cat Butut or Tutut that hubby and me found at our apartment?
yess, he died after 2 days cant pee..huhu..that was my mistakes i guess..
i realised when he keep on going to his toilet but do nothing. He also follows me to our toilet and trying too pee but nothing went out. So, i remember Annie's post about her cat hardly pee.
I tot he will be OK since he still eat and drink a little...
So i waited next day to see his condition. hubby and me thinking about sending him to vet at Keningau but hubby was so busy that day and went home late as 4pm. so, we cant send him to Keningau vet, but we send him to Jabatan Haiwan Tambunan. Which i believe all jabatan haiwan knows how to treat animal. Well, he got shot (i believe it was antibiotic) and let see how the condition in three days. ok, i feel happy because atleast he got antiobiotic because there is no way we send him to any nearest Vet..
That nite, Tutut hardly walking and i'm thinking, maybe it was the drug given to him.
When i went to school that morning, he still sleep and i just give him kiss like usual.
still worried and i force hubby that we must send him to vet that afternoon. But, before noon, my brother sms me and told me that Tutut was gone. I feel so guilty for not sending him ASAP to the vet...He was only with us for few months...very good company when hubby not around, clever cat because he never poo around the house, never climb on the dining table and never makes mess...
Miss him around..how i wish another cat just like him come to our door again..or perhaps another tutut...
May it RIP.
oh kesiannya...sedih oh kalau pet died ni..
RIP Butut.. :(
Cute bah si miau ini.. Huhu.. I felt sorry to what happened on him :(
wuuu...he look a little bit like my long lost Invert last year.
I understand the feeling of losing a beloved pet. But don't be too distress ya.
sgt sedih bila haiwan kesygn mati kn. :(
so sad to hear ur cat died... anyway in my experienced kan..if ur cat sakit can't get jab xpecialy cant poo or his perut blot.. the vet shud juz gv him med n deworm him..(means ubat telan) ..even my kitten like dat b4 n the private vet advice juz tu gv med not a shot'. cos afraid the cat can't stand with the injection.
So sad to hear it...sa masih ingat sa asyik nangis ja 1 minggu bila my doggy died semasa melahirkan anak...tp anak dia pun mati juga...huhuh
:'( it's hurt to hear that~
kucing sa pernah kena tu, mcm batu karang ba tu..ada 1 ubat minum dari gamat, kasi minum tu kucing, lama2 dia bgus tu..tp misti bawa jg p vet, just want to make sure dia ok
another tips..for those who ada kucing, avoid bagi terlampau makan tu Friskes...tu punca kucing kena tu..
i knw this cuz sa sayang kucing juga...dats y i care~
thanx all....we aare still hoping there is a cat appear in front of our door and hoping it is TUtut...btw thanx ya..
what is ngok2?
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