

after my pregnancy i couldnt fit my work outfit~ padahal i still muat when i was almost 5 months preggie~everyday when i prepare my outfit i will get tense. until i realized i must do something. yeah...i start eating well...not eating makes me bigger more..so i enjoy every meal, eat less fastfood and carbo but more vege. And today i wear my baju yg nda muat suda tu pi kerja aaaaaaaaaaaa....hohoho...
so makin2 la mo control makan ni....
currently my eating habit..
eat every meal like 3 times a day..eat in between. let say for in between i want to eat hinompuka i will eat 1 pcs only. i didnt take any sugary drink like nescafe or etc. yess avoid caffein and alcohol when u diet is the best way to detox naturally. and take green tea instead. haha..buli tahan ka?? kalau nda suka..drink water ONLY. yes, not 8 glasses a day but 2-3 litres a day. True, water is the best. kalau kurang air, nanti got water retention. so jgn tidak minum air. if our body ask for water already it means they are dehydrated so drink before u thirst. currently i eat whatever i want-5-6 times a day but in a small potion. i dunt let myself hunger..kesian ba tu badan, kalau xkena kasi makan kan...tp jgn pula pi makan sampai 2-3 pinggan nasi campur2 lagi kari ayam sampai 3-4 ketul, blum masuk lagi tu kentang2 di dalam kari sampai 10 ketul yg kena potong2 aa...

as for exercise, sa nda buat sebab aktiviti sa suda cukup..~ yakah~ katakan sa mengajar dalam kelas for like 80 minutes. so sa akan concentrate on white board for 20 min. after that ask the students to do exercise or latih tubi and for 20 min i will walk around the class for checking what they doing. kalau 1 hari ada 6 masa?? hehehe then after that, i walk from school to home everyday (or almost everyday) school from home is only 12 min tp naik tangga sampai tingkat 4. hehehe..
apa apa pun...jgn stress mo diet. and diet is not tidak makan. DIEt means gaya pemakanan. i always heard ppl, bila kena tanya napa nda makan, sennag2 dia jawab, sa ON DIET~ lucu...hehe..
if u wanna ask me about losing weight i already try all methods and i know which is the best! but i still going on the false way to lose weight and at last gaining extra kg from my previous weight. LUCU kan? mana tida bila kurang suda baru 3-4 kg, pi trus berenjoy makan sampai naik balik 5 kg...lucu2 bila ingat balik..


Claire Cassandra T said...

Very agree!!! hehehehehe..good luck ah~

TaQuiLa said...

good tips clare~!

and as for me, sa dulu paling hebat la x makan apa2 for breakfast except water from home to school. but, recently i change the habit sa makan oat before i left to school. mmg bleh tahan la, since i consume lots of water, gila ka mengajar nda da air. sometimes the oat made me full till evening.

bila dinner time, i tried to eat everything in small portion.. tekejut sa tinguk my weight, lost 2 kilos in 3 weeks..and as the time past, my target's number before my wedding suda achieved :)

carolchs said...

woohoo!congrats...ya, usually makan regularly but in small portion works better than going on crash diet. nampak lah perubahan drastic tapi mau tau itu body, weak ni.

Nanak said...

betul2..diet bukan tidak makan bah.. sy pula mmg tidak minum manis & tidak minum sejuk..mlm mkn oat saja..kdg2 kalau btl2 xtahan, makan nasi jg tp siiikit :) gd luck.

Vienne said...

claire:: yaa...tul kan..

Sheila::hehe..gud for u sheila..jgn lupa antar invitation card kama..hehe..

chegu:: iya tu la ...bagus makaaan saja tp sikit2..kan, tp lambat la nampak tu perubahan..

nanak: dui, sa nda suka makan tu oat..banayk kali sa cuba still nda buli..