
Digging the ubi kayu

This is a story about ubi kayu

it was boring afternoon and  i have nothing to. While waiting for my fav malysian drama manjalara, i walked around our backyard..then i found pokok ubi kayu which is twice taller than me. I remember my mum told me about digging the ubi kayu... my mum was picking the rumput fatimah near me)...

me: mummy, ada suda ubi kayu di bawah pokok ni ubi, saya cabut ni pokok aa?

mum: jgn pandai2 sana kalau x pandai..

me: hurmm...biar la....lagipun gatal suda kaki sa...(the grass is long and itchy when contacted with my bare legs)

awhile later...

mum:Liaaaaaaaannn...yalah besar suda pula tu ubi tu...pi ambik tu parang yang suda tumpul sana blakang..mari kita pi cabut....

me: nah kan..apa sia bilang...

then my mum n me dig dig and got about 5 big (as big as my legs) ubi kayu...which if maybe rajin i will do the lepat ubi... =)

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