
an Interview (first and hope the last)

Today is a big day for me. I received letter last week from Putrajaya HR, asking me to attend an interview. So today is the day. Yeah... 
When i reached Pusat Sumber Pendidikan Sabah (the place where our interview being held)  i am physically prepared. I have been to Pspn since yesterday with BF since his interview is a day before mine.

At 8.00 am, a lady asked me and few other student (they will grad soon just like me) to enter the exam hall for Mtest (Malaysian teacher selection test). When the speaker came he talk a lot(biasala beliau kan) but nonsense . I ve been heard the same line he was talking a from many different person before (aiyahhh, busan ooo...melalut saja cakap ni beliau).. i think the reason he is nagging to us before exam is to wait for those who come late which i think so unfair. I come here super duper early. we were given 135 question to asnwer in 30 minutes (ketara la mau uji psikologi)...
after dat, we were divided to 3 different groups. There are 3 room for interview.  I go for the 1st person to be interviewed coz i know the day before honey was the 14th person and he finish at 3.30 pm....

when my turn comes

me: good morning sir.. (i pass them my documents)

sir: morning please sit.

me: thank you

sir: so u are clare(wrong pronouncation) vivian imbun, am i correct?

me: it is CLAY actually... (smile)

sir: owh OK. so, do clare u want to be a teacher right?

me: yes. i want to be teacher (confiident but actually i feel cold =))

sir: why do u want to be a teacher? tell me

me: well, i want to be a teacher since my mum was a teacher. other than dat, when im still in primary school i am a bit slow ( tipuuuuuu)but my teacher teach me patiently and i know she never give up on me. No 2, when in form 4 i know nothing about chemistry or i can say i hate chemistry. but a new teacher posted to our school, she makes me loves chemsitry. The teacher tell me  dat at first she doesnt like teaching but when she experienced it she began to love being a teacher. (of course my explaination not so fluent but my story is something like dis =))

sir: ok. so tell me what u know about PIPP? 

me: ermm....sir, can i eloborate in malay? (smileeee)

sir: sure u can

me: PipP ada lah salah satu pelan untuk menjayakan RM ke-9 yang dijayakan dalam 5 tahun sebelum. pelan pembangunan ini adalah rancangan dalam 2006-2010 (wow..my ayat is tunggang langgang masa ni) PIPP mempunyai 6 teras...and bla bla (the eloboration is end when i tell the 6 co in pipp)

well, there are many more has been asked and i guess i answer all the Q's. well in an interview we have just have to talk. Dont remain silent.

well, there is some part i cant forget

sir: so u r going to be teacher, where do u want to be sent?

me: anywhere, since im still young and single i am free to go anywhere...

sir: even to semenanjung?

me: why not? i want to be a teacher and i am ready for everything =)

sounds tipu kan?but yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss am not ready..and i want stay hereeeeeeeeee!!not everwhere....it is not dat i want to be 'katak di bawah tempurung' . i loves travel..but staying in a place for long ter is NOOO......

Waiting in line (dis is not the day im suppose to be interviewed), not my day

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