
Sport and Sun Burnt!

This early of my posting, we were (me and other teachers and student) been so busy for school's sports ( merentas desa, sukan tara, aerobic and kawad kaki). School's sport doesnt really give me burnt. But when comes to sport among the school in Tambunan it does give me big effect to my skin. i get burnt then become darker and more darker as i was appointed as a coach for our student to represent Tambunan to Keningau district. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......
It was a great and fantastic to be with our contigent during the sport. And our school, the SMK Nambayan become the winner for the first time in Tambunan district secondary school history. Apart from that we grabbed half of the GOLD and we got a lots of medal dat we never expected. Two of our atheletes become the olahragawan and olahragawati for the year and we won the marching with 98%. We all a bit dissappointed about our cheerleading group which we expect we could grab the best but St Martin got it. But it is ok for us as long that everyone know SMK Nambayan's cheer group deserve the best (true coz the group practice their cheers for a week). The teachers from our school is great...We all have unity in everything. We have one voice for all. We good at everything. We sang with student. We cheer to our atheletes and we are doing our job together.It is not about getting first place but is is about puts fully effort to grab the chance.

The cheers' group plus the atheletes together to cheer for school contigent

the gurls, they are pretty and grab gold medal for SEMENAM!!

SEMENAM leading with lotsa medalssss....YESS WE WIN!!

Happy Faces!!! we know we win....and its raining!!

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