
Cross Country 2009

The event was superb..even my team got the last place...huhhuhuhu.....
I just love the sport spirit that the whole students ( or atleast 90%) show on the day...
It was bright and heavy sun and i can feel the sun rays burn my skin ( i got help from sun block cream and hand sock and sunnies to prevent me from burn...
so let the pictures tell the story
( i have to make collages picture so i can put lots of it)

Im not good doing the collage.... Pemanasan badan before the larian

Action before the run

The winners. Did i tell u that one of our student represent sabah
for Merentas desa 2008?

And me (in yellow corporate shirt) and Khairiah after the larian.
at least i only got blush on cheek rite?


InobonG ProPer said...

Wah! you look enjoy and satisfied hehehe

BTW, I didn't let my son go for their cross country coz he was not feeling well that day...all in the family kena fever and flu bah

NoyIbrahim said...

wahh...cross country ya. skula sa pun suda..unfortunately didnt take many pictures. sa jaga checkpoint..pnya panat tggu dorang habis haha