
What a busy week

it's Friday and tomorrow we still have to go school for cuti berganti CNY. but i already took off from our principal..the reason...hanya saya yang tau...I am in Penampang Home now...happy to be home again...
been busy for the whole week...busy with the sukantara and since i am the guru penyelaras pasukan..im busy to make sure everyone doing their job=) For sukantara our team got the second place...happy for that..the different between 1st place and second place only 7 points..haiyaaa...
Even it's been tired week but i am happy..i just love sport and it is so happening..at least at our school..how bout urs??


carolchs said...

the circular on cuti ganti for CNY never reach our school. so, 29th and 30th kami masi pi skul then 31st sukan zon :(

btw kami punya sukan zon this year, kami pinjam tambunan punya sports complex. keningau punya habis ni kena booked.

Anonymous said...

normal la for all teachers to be busy with da sports n excel at the beginning of the year.well, hope dat u will see da 'pot of gold at the end of your rainbow'....gambate ^_^