
It's saturday and many more days to come..

helloooo..it's saturday and i am happy coz we will having holiday for 2 weeks..hehe..just finished marking 3 classes yesterday and 2 more class to go...
btw, holiday will be busy cleaning the house(but it still under renovation), and maybe painting new colour to prepare for the wedding...
BTW, even the reception will be held in one of the Hall(will announce later) in Penampang, but it will continue at our home till morning... Did i mention the date fall on fasting months? i dont know until one of my collegue tell me... but what to do, anyone of my Muslim friend may come to the reception at our home. But if u wanna see me wearing the beautiful(hehehe) wedding dress, then u may come to the Hall in the afternoon and receive goodies from me...
That's all from me.

1 comment:

KaDusMama said...

sia jelous kamu cuti sana sabah!!! :(
Anyway..Kotobian Tadau do kaamatan Kio! :)