Okay, for ur info I just join this one Malaysian contest
which is mean, 99 Hari Tanpa Nasi?
hah? 99 days?
so i supposed not to eat rice starting from 1 Nov until next year.
because, ur weight will increase faster when u eat carbo too much.
That is very true. The contest allow u eat anything 3 times a day everyday but must not eat rice?
waaa.. can i survive? YES i can..but isnt it weird when u go for buffer Lunch dinner during wedding reception and u eat everythhing but not rice?
oowh, i just plan to go to wagamama to eat sushi (to finish the rm50 sushi voucher X 2). But isnt the sushi rice is better than other rice?
for the previous 3 days i ate rice in the morning but few spoon only(i have to eat rice at school because we did not have many choices).
and drink milo afternoon+bread and only eat lauk pauk for dinner. Tomorrow, i'm challenging myself not to eat rice...
I'm not torturing myself for not eating rice. I still eat but not Rice. I still can eat bread or anything that can give energy.Mee hoon + tofu will do also or maybe i will tapau bread for breakfast tomorrow at school.
Wish me luck Ok?..
I hope you will succeed,my fren..
mmmmm...good idea owh!! chiayo! chiayo!!
99 WITHOUT rice??? walaweee..... blh tahan ka ni ahh? i want to join also since i want to lose weight too...
Gud Luck Claire :)
We can do it! remember no pain no gain!!hehehehe
all the best vienne!
Wel, here in M'sia it's considered as our staple food. No matter what we'll at least eat rice.
But, dun worry darling..You'll sure get thru...U wont die witot rice. Ive been under the zone of not eating rice once too..not only 99 days..It dragged me until years hehehe..It was during my threshold childhood back in states...
U know lah tempat urang mat salleh teda jugak makan nasi kan...heheheh..Ok bah! Indak jugak mati...
I only ate when i came bak msia...:)M super healthy now! despite of the factor of getting old..banyak jua sgala penyakit2 mendtg..besalh kan...Org mau tua sdh hahahahaha
Anyways, Gambat ne! Cayo2...
i dont think i can survive without rice. baru satu hari x makan nasi, sa sdh tercari2 ni...
but anyways, best of luck ya :)
you can do it!! wish you all the best vienne :)
d mana ko nampak ni contest oh clare?? huhuhu...mcm sa pun mo join nihh
all the best.. :) kalu sia..nda dpt o..surrender
Ow.. betul lah pulak...hehehhehe... I was too late to join...sad T_T
That! is a very tough thing to do. I wish I can do that too.
All the best then. Aja! Aja! Fighting!
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