
Baby Caelan Fullmoon Party

was held on 21 Nov 2010.

cake order from Dena.
Butter walnut. everyone puji her cake. they said lawa and of course sedap too..

Susah ni mo dapat his smile...
and his skin was darker..now caelan is a bit fair....i thought his skin colour was like his dad. Actually i dont care the skin colour.what i care the most is he always healthy.
The three of us. (Still the chubby me)


GeTzzz.... said...

Oh goodness! That baby Caelan is sooooooo cute....Awwwwww.! Vienne, buli saya dukung kah? hehhehehe..cumil oh!

Vienne said...

Getz: hoho..buli bah kalau ko~~

Annie said...

Awh si baby Caelan senyum.. ^_^ Cantik kek dia o0o..

Deana E said...

thanks clare for the order and compliment...caelan pandai smile mesti follow u and happy go lucky all the time.chubby pun ok, asal healthy.oh ya, babies skin memang sometimes pandai dark and pandai fair..dunno why

memeljoan said...

Wah, sihat oo c baby caelan...skjp ja kan, satu bulan sdh dia...cute ni...ehehhe

Vienne said...

Annie: iya..bukan susah mo bli ni..cari si dena saja...

Dena: thanx dena for the pretty cake....hehe...suma urg tanya mana sa order

Mel: ui sihat bah...ko blum nampak lagi mummy dia..lagilah sihat~~