
Happy Father's Day

It his first celebration of father's Day..wanna bake him cheese cake(his fav) but the cheese cream gone bad~ my bad nda check btul2...so dunno what cake to bake..
since his fav also BBQ, we decided to bbq~ well as usual, chicken wings and sausage..loveeee~~
i'm looking for steamboat set so we can have steamboat at home...finger cross..kalau makan2 no.1 ba kan..mcm mana mau kurus..the tummy still there how to get rid of that?

HAPPY FATHER'S Day to all daddy out there
to my dad
and to Caelan's Dad~

1 comment:

TaQuiLa said...

Makan tetap no.1 ba! hehehee

Anyway, happy father's day daddy caelen!