
I long for school Holiday

Hohoho~~...im in staff room now...all the students now sitting for end year examination for form 1, excel 1(2010) for form 4 and form 2, and SPM trial for form 5 and seminar(or whatever it is call) for form 3 after PMR. Teachers only enter class for invigilating.Meaning to say year 2009 is almost finish or settle. We only have to focus on marking exam paper. No more thinking of Teaching materials or how to teach this topic or what should we give them as homework or lab practical. But I think most of them marking exam paper slow by slow. Me? My paper start next week when they finish theirs and i just start mine =(((...
So, what im doing now(especially when i dunt have class to invigilate)?

the Yellow mark are the time and class i supposed to ingilate? and see how much free time i have?

Im berMUKABUKU (facebook lar)..hoho~~~chatting, farmville, barn buddy, bejewelled, reading blog and gossiping (just like everyone doin)..I think other teachers doing the same thing when they are tired of marking or talking to each other...Sometimes u can hear someone shouting to other who steal their vege in barn buddy, sometime u can hear said 'nah kotoh' (padan muka or serve u right) when they were bit by dogs in barn buddy..
I think most of the teachers here are getting crazy each and everyday..shouting and teasing, selling( they even sell blouse from internet), sharing and everything u never think about.
Staffroom is a place where u can see everything. because all the arts and science will gathered and combine the craziness..hoho..And the staffroom is happening everyday...but we still, do our work and finish it on time...that was one thing I like being teacher.

1 comment:

Gallivanter said...

I used to long for school holidays, when I was in school that is. :-P