

it's been awhile i didnt post anything due to the busy of marking and checking paper and i still not finish with it. and weekend is just weekend. weekend is a day for me to rest and hu ha hu ha everywhere and i feel not like doing it...
By the way, tomorrow is the

and now i feel excited.
somehow i feel nervous...and something across my mind *iskkk, namau la pigi tu, bukan ada sepa2 sa kanal* or, *mcm si buduh la sa ni..diam2 saja dunno what to do*
By the way, i dont have the broom or stick because i will bring my camera..hehe..so just come with my hat and frizzy hair..hahaha


Joan said...

got me and sheila ma..takkan ko nda kenal kami..

besides you will make new friends also..thats one of the purpose of the gathering..hehe

carolchs said...

confident ja bah vienne :)
sa masi blm habis2 ni with my costume...mo pi ct mall cari wig ni mlm...

Annie said...

bah taru banyak2 gambar aa.. hehe