
And thats a long paused from blogging woRld..

Heloo... Alalalala its been a while kan... And looks like my blog covered with spideRweb already...
Well, i almost forgot that i ever own a blog because i can see updates from social network more than blog itself. Well, i love to updates me myself and what happen in my life thru FB and instagram. I choose those because i only want one stick to me. It is so complicated (at least for me)to have those multi acc of social network.. Malas ba mo updated banyak2. I do have the account tp x terlarat login everyday. Why i choose FB because.. Sa suka suping d sana.. Plus there are some groups i actively join, ada HUI, ada urg buat private space and etc.. Thats the reason why i login FB frequently than the other...and believe me, i do make a little in come from Facebook...

1 comment:

StellaClaire-Richard said...

keep on blogging. i love to read :)